Thank you for using our innovative free patient health and wellness internet search tool The Circle of Health courtesy of your physician and their practice, Elise M. Brett, MD.
The Circle of Health is a free internet search tool for patients. It is based on thousands of conversations with patients and physicians about their poor experience using search tools like Google to look for internet health, wellness, disease and condition information. We heard:
- “Doing a Google search on health and wellness and disease topics is like drinking from a fire hose – I get 14 million responses”
- “The responses I do get include not only some valid medically vetted sources but also many ‘junk science’ sources that are not reliable”
- “I can’t tell the search engine to show me stuff that is in a format I can digest. If I’m a visual learner, don’t show me a 40 page academic article with no pictures – I can’t use it”
- “Why do I have to go to each health and wellness site separately – isn’t there a site like Expedia or Trivago that brings the ‘best of the best’ of top medically vetted sites into one easy to use place for free and lets me tailor it to my learning style?”
The Circle of Health is provided to you for free by your physician and their practice to help you be a smarter and more discerning user of internet health, wellness, disease and condition information.
Although most patients will access The Circle of Health through their physician’s practice website, you can also use it directly by going to
We appreciate your feedback on how to make the search process more useful to you. You may contact us directly at any time with questions or feedback at